1. Start by finely chopping cucumber, red onion, and a clove of garlic. Add two sprigs of coriander for a burst of freshness.
2. Create the dressing by mixing 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1/4 tablespoon of Megachef Gold Reserve fish sauce, and ½ tablespoon of Megachef Mushroom sauce.
BONUS. For an adventurous twist, try the kimchi variant by combining 1/4 tablespoon of Megachef Gold Reserve fish sauce, 1 tablespoon of Japanese sweetened rice vinegar, finely chopped garlic, kimchi powder, and water.
3. With your ingredients ready, cut thin slices of salmon and dress them with your chosen sauce. Let the flavors meld for a tantalizing experience that captures the essence of Japanese culinary bliss.